Hello, my loves!
I am so excited that you have found your way to this website. I trust that you have been guided here today by the universe.
My name is Tayla Hunter-Smith, and I am the creator and owner of Universal Love Co. I truly believe that the universe and angels have guided me throughout my life. I have my own guardian angel that is with me every day, my little sister. In times of anxiousness, I feel her with me, just behind my shoulder. I have had spiritual people tell me that they can see angel wings behind my shoulder, and that light stays with me always.
I am a big believer in everything spiritual: oracle cards, crystals, positive affirmations, and mindfulness. I have been on this journey of self-development and self-growth for a while now. These daily spiritual tasks of journalling, using affirmation and oracle cards and crystals have helped me through some of the toughest times; anxiousness, stress, and self-doubt.
I truly believe my soul's mission is to help others, I am already a Registered Nurse who cares for others, but I always had this itching feeling I was meant to be doing more. So I have decided to help others differently, through positive affirmation cards.
I have created a very special affirmation deck that is designed to help you feel the universal love, set intentions, and help improve one's overall mindset.
I hope you love the deck as much as I do. I cannot wait to see you all with your own!
Much Love,
Tayla xx